And Inviting More to Join!

Exhilarated by the enthusiasm of our first 20 members, is now seeking other app makers and related businesses who want to join our mission to create a fair and profitable app marketplace and an internet where consumers are respected. We look forward to getting everyone engaged and contributing to our newly established community.

If you are considering whether to become a member of, here are a few questions:

  1. Are you interested in more information and education so you can plan your roadmaps and stay up to date on rules and regulations that affect your apps and businesses?
  2. Are you interested in updates on what some of the major gatekeepers – Microsoft, AppEsteem, Google, anti-malware companies, the Federal Trade Commission, the State Attorneys General, other regulators around the world – are doing in this space?
  3. Are you interested in acting as a voice to help you provide input to the gatekeepers, so their rules and regulations incorporate input from responsible businesses?

If your answer to any of these questions is a yes, please consider becoming a member. You’ll also reap other benefits, as aims to share best practices, hold events, and provide a community where our members can build and enhance professional relationships.

If you’re already a member of, thanks for joining the cause. If you’re interested in learning more or becoming a member, please click here,

One last note: we’ll be holding elections for additional board seats later this summer. So if you’re interested in being part of the Board of Directors, please sign up as a member soon, as that’s a prerequisite to board service.